We are remarkable!
Tennis/pickleball coaching has been watered down like that of many other trades. I belly ache about doctors following protocol because it’s always done that way and if they maintain that path, the same path as everyone else, they run less risk of being sued. Now I’m saying the same about coaches. “Cliches, go along way, to pay the bills today” is bull. Meeting a person where they are and utilizing all resources available is what phenomenal coaches do its what those I involve myself always strive to be and become.
In grad school we spent more time looking back than forward, thus making us like the doctor, missing out on the cues that may sharpen our own instincts. We all fall in line and listen to a few folk that are know by a few folk instead of honing our own instincts. Belly aching over.. here’s what I’m gonna do..
As 5’5” life long athlete i believe my gifts best lie in my dogged quest to master technique, reverence for those that passionately force me to embrace the suck of discipline, scholastic pursuit in the area of mental health (with an incessant eye for performance), and learning how to.. well not get killed from my family and its tentacular extension.
Watching Nick Kyrios play in mixed company is an obsession of mine. His physical capacity to hit the ball is revered, while his record gets attributed to mental capacity. He might as well be a black quarterback in the.. well even now! I believe his physical and mental are so closely tied to one another that the actual etiquette of tennis is factor that is holding him back. The etiquette says micro aggressions or “talking out the side of your neck” is fine, but direct interaction is not. No different than watching this young lady I watched board the plane and when asked to check her bag says “ I appreciate your concern for me, NO THANK YOU.” The flight attendant and i felt slighted by this but i bet many of you would say her words seemed so polite. THATS TENNIS.. SO POLITE..
My dear friend RG and i were talking about how my style impacts my community standing as a coach. He in his most southern eloquence shared that people miss out on my abilities because they are not used to my “And 1 “ style in sports like tennis and pickleball. I am aware of the style and utilize it for my advantage.. just like any baller would do. After the discussion i recognize the good and the bad and am getting more comfortable with others perception.. Ive just started rebranding it as a benefit.. example:
Parent: Hey Aaron .. will you train my son? Ive seen how strong >>> has gotten and i want that for my boy/girl
Me: when can we start
Soft parent: tomorrow.. great.. Oh and would you talk to him about how she speaks to me.. his smoking..
Me: uh huh
Embracing the therapeutic value that is available thru sport may be where all my future efforts lie.